Accounting Documents API
- List accounting documents
- Create accounting document
- Remove accounting document
- Get accounting document
- Update accounting document
- Create draft
- Get issues
- Send via Email
- List payment reminders
- Create payment reminder
- Delete payment reminder
- Update payment reminder
- Get aggregated accounting documents report
- Creates a new accounting document with scans
- Generate PDF
- Generate QR code
- Download XLSX export for Accounting Documents list
- Create draft accounting document from template
Generating- List connections
- Connect accounting document
- Disconnect accounting document
- Change connection amount
Connections- List payments
Payments- List document attachments
- Attach document attachment
- Remove document attachment
Document Attachments- Change state
- List possible states
Workflow- Update country variant specific settings
Country Variant Specifics- List bank accounts
- Attach bank account
- Dettach bank account
Bank Accounts- Update VAT recap
VAT Recapitulation -
Bulk Operations API
Bank Accounts API
- List payment orders
- Create payment order
Payment Orders -
Cash Registers API
- List cash registers
- Create cash register
- Remove cash register
- Get cash register
- Update cash register
- Aggregate balance
- List inventories
- Create inventory
Inventories -
Contacts API
Documents API
Financial Accounts API
Miscellaneous API
- List VAT rates
VAT Rates- List branches
Branches- List projects
Projects- List currencies
Currencies- List countries
Countries- List banks
Banks -
Searching API
Sequences API
- List non-Cash Register sequences
- Create non-Cash Register sequence
- Remove non-Cash Register sequence
- Update non-Cash Register sequence
- Set non-Cash Register sequence's last generated number
- List Cash Register sequences
- Create Cash Register sequence
- Remove Cash Register sequence
- Update Cash Register sequence
- Set Cash Register sequence's last generated number
Tasks API
Templates API
- Remove scheduler
- Set scheduler
Scheduling -
Files API
Update accounting document
put https://api.trivi.com/v2/accountingdocuments/{accountingDocumentId}
The PUT request has some limitations. You cannot change accounting documents if the accounting document is:
- processed
- attached to another accounting document
Also, you cannot change it if there are country variant specific settings applied. However, you can change the country variant specific settings separately via the PUT countryvariantspecific endpoint.
integer required
An ID of an accounting document.
Format int64References of endpoint
- Create accounting document REQUEST RESPONSE
- Get accounting document RESPONSE
- Update accounting document REQUEST RESPONSE
- Connect accounting document RESPONSE
- Change connection amount RESPONSE
- Create draft accounting document from template RESPONSE
integer optional
Only in GET
Format int64integer optional
An accounting document number sequence ID.
Format int64string optional
Only in GET
The number of the account document.
integer optional
If set, the accounting document is placed in a given cash register. This is required for CashReceipt, SimplifiedInvoice, EmployeeAdvance, CashTransfer and CashUncategorized types
Format int64integer optional
Possible values: Invoice = 0, Advance = 1, TaxAdvance = 2, CreditNote = 3, CashReceipt = 7, SimplifiedInvoice = 8, EmployeeAdvance = 10, CashTransfer = 11, CashUncategorized = 12
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
integer optional
Possible values: 0 - Received, 1 - Issued
string optional
number optional
Set automatically tu null when accounting document currency and organization currency are the same.
Format doublenumber optional
number optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string required
ISO 4217
string optional
Order number, can be any string
integer optional
Possible values:
BankTransfer = 1, Cash = 2, CashOnDelivery = 3, PaymentCard = 4, SetOff = 5, Loan = 6
CashReceipt accepts correctly Cash = 2 only. Behavior is undefined for other values.
Bank accounts assigned to this accounting document
number optional
Only in GET If Trivi processed this accounting document, values: 0 - Not Processed, 1 - Processed, 2 - Waiting For Processing 3 - Processing Error
string optional
Only in GET
Contains properties which are specific only to some countries
number optional
In POST or PUT If not set, it is calculated from line items.
Format doublenumber optional
In POST or PUT If not set, it is calculated from line items.
Format doublestring optional
A description of this accounting document
string optional
If not given and sequenceId is filled by a valid sequence ID, it will be generated. If given, sequenceId has to be empty and this number will be used as accountingDocumentNo
string optional
A reason of the credit note, this is used only if type is Credit Note
string optional
User-defined state defined in a workflow
number optional
0 - StartFromVatExcluded, 1 - StartFromVatIncluded, 2 - Manually If AccountingDocument.type is CashReceipt, CashUncategorized, EmployeeAdvance or CashTransfer, this field have to be set to Manually
Default 0string optional
Only in GET
integer optional
string optional
string optional
integer optional
1 - None, 2 - RoundNearest, 3 - Round Up, 4 - Round Down
Default 1integer optional
Indicates that the accounting document is related to another. It is used when there is a cash payment on an accounting document. The CashReceipt accounting document is created and relatedAccountingDocumentId is set to the paid accounting document.
Format int64string optional
Only in GET
number optional
Only in GET
Format doublestring optional
Only in GET
number optional
Only in GET
Format doubleOnly in GET List of attached scans
integer required
Enum: 1 - Domestic, 2 - EU, 3 - Foreign
boolean optional
integer optional
In general, only non-deleted signature is allowed.
If the request doesn't change current value it can be even the deleted one.
Format int64number optional
Only in GET
Returned only if scope=CA is queried.
Format doublenumber optional
Only in GET
Format doublenumber optional
Only in GET
Sum of all payments paired with the Accounting Document.
number optional
Only in GET
Sum of amount drawn from the Accounting Document via connections.
string optional
Only in GET
string optional
Only in GET
string optional
string required
Only in GET
string optional
Only in GET
string optional
Only in GET
Format date-timestring optional
Only in GET
Format date-timeinteger optional
1 - Default
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
References of endpoint
- Attach bank account REQUEST RESPONSE
- Update attached bank account REQUEST RESPONSE
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
integer optional
Issued Accounting Document Required, other properties will be ignored
Received Accounting Document This is not allowed
Format int64string optional
Only in GET GUID
integer optional
number optional
string optional
number optional
string optional
integer optional
integer optional
0 - Received, 1 - Issued
string optional
number optional
BankTransfer = 1, Cash = 2, CashOnDelivery = 3, PaymentCard = 4, SetOff = 5, Loan = 6
string optional
Only in GET Guid
string optional
string optional
number optional
Unit Price VAT incl.
Format doublestring optional
number optional
number optional
Total VAT incl.
Format doublenumber optional
Total VAT excluded
Format doublestring optional
If empty, reverse charge is not applied to this line item
integer optional
number optional
Unit price VAT excluded
Format doublenumber optional
VAT value in the accounting document currency
Format doublenumber optional
Ignored on input when vatRateId populated.
Same as VatRate.vatRate from GET /vatrates.
Format doublenumber optional
Ignored on input when vatRateId populated.
Same as VatRate.vatRateType from GET /vatrates.
integer optional
vatRate and vatRateType ignored if vatRateId populated.
Same as VatRate.vatRateId from GET /vatrates.
Format int64string optional
string optional
boolean optional
Valid for received Accounting Documents only.
integer optional
1 - NotClassified
2 - CheckNeeded
3 - Classified
number required
number optional
number optional
number optional
number optional
1 - Standard, 2 - Out of VAT (cz: Mimo DPH), 3 - DoNotApplyVat (cz: Neuplatnit DPH), 4 - Reverse Charge, 5 - ExemptFromVAT (cz: osvobozeno od DPH)
integer optional
If set, the accounting document will be paired to this contact. If other contact properties are empty, they will be loaded from contact, otherwise they will be used as posted. The contact will not be changed.
Format int64string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
Can be used if a contact doesn't have companyRegNo
References of endpoint
- Create accounting document REQUEST RESPONSE
- Get accounting document RESPONSE
- Update accounting document REQUEST RESPONSE
- Connect accounting document RESPONSE
- Change connection amount RESPONSE
- Create draft accounting document from template RESPONSE
integer optional
Only in GET
Format int64integer optional
An accounting document number sequence ID.
Format int64string optional
Only in GET
The number of the account document.
integer optional
If set, the accounting document is placed in a given cash register. This is required for CashReceipt, SimplifiedInvoice, EmployeeAdvance, CashTransfer and CashUncategorized types
Format int64integer optional
Possible values: Invoice = 0, Advance = 1, TaxAdvance = 2, CreditNote = 3, CashReceipt = 7, SimplifiedInvoice = 8, EmployeeAdvance = 10, CashTransfer = 11, CashUncategorized = 12
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
integer optional
Possible values: 0 - Received, 1 - Issued
string optional
number optional
Set automatically tu null when accounting document currency and organization currency are the same.
Format doublenumber optional
number optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string required
ISO 4217
string optional
Order number, can be any string
integer optional
Possible values:
BankTransfer = 1, Cash = 2, CashOnDelivery = 3, PaymentCard = 4, SetOff = 5, Loan = 6
CashReceipt accepts correctly Cash = 2 only. Behavior is undefined for other values.
Bank accounts assigned to this accounting document
number optional
Only in GET If Trivi processed this accounting document, values: 0 - Not Processed, 1 - Processed, 2 - Waiting For Processing 3 - Processing Error
string optional
Only in GET
Contains properties which are specific only to some countries
number optional
In POST or PUT If not set, it is calculated from line items.
Format doublenumber optional
In POST or PUT If not set, it is calculated from line items.
Format doublestring optional
A description of this accounting document
string optional
If not given and sequenceId is filled by a valid sequence ID, it will be generated. If given, sequenceId has to be empty and this number will be used as accountingDocumentNo
string optional
A reason of the credit note, this is used only if type is Credit Note
string optional
User-defined state defined in a workflow
number optional
0 - StartFromVatExcluded, 1 - StartFromVatIncluded, 2 - Manually If AccountingDocument.type is CashReceipt, CashUncategorized, EmployeeAdvance or CashTransfer, this field have to be set to Manually
Default 0string optional
Only in GET
integer optional
string optional
string optional
integer optional
1 - None, 2 - RoundNearest, 3 - Round Up, 4 - Round Down
Default 1integer optional
Indicates that the accounting document is related to another. It is used when there is a cash payment on an accounting document. The CashReceipt accounting document is created and relatedAccountingDocumentId is set to the paid accounting document.
Format int64string optional
Only in GET
number optional
Only in GET
Format doublestring optional
Only in GET
number optional
Only in GET
Format doubleOnly in GET List of attached scans
integer required
Enum: 1 - Domestic, 2 - EU, 3 - Foreign
boolean optional
integer optional
In general, only non-deleted signature is allowed.
If the request doesn't change current value it can be even the deleted one.
Format int64number optional
Only in GET
Returned only if scope=CA is queried.
Format doublenumber optional
Only in GET
Format doublenumber optional
Only in GET
Sum of all payments paired with the Accounting Document.
number optional
Only in GET
Sum of amount drawn from the Accounting Document via connections.
string optional
Only in GET
string optional
Only in GET
string optional
string required
Only in GET
string optional
Only in GET
string optional
Only in GET
Format date-timestring optional
Only in GET
Format date-timeinteger optional
1 - Default
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
References of endpoint
- Attach bank account REQUEST RESPONSE
- Update attached bank account REQUEST RESPONSE
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
integer optional
Issued Accounting Document Required, other properties will be ignored
Received Accounting Document This is not allowed
Format int64string optional
Only in GET GUID
integer optional
number optional
string optional
number optional
string optional
integer optional
integer optional
0 - Received, 1 - Issued
string optional
number optional
BankTransfer = 1, Cash = 2, CashOnDelivery = 3, PaymentCard = 4, SetOff = 5, Loan = 6
string optional
Only in GET Guid
string optional
string optional
number optional
Unit Price VAT incl.
Format doublestring optional
number optional
number optional
Total VAT incl.
Format doublenumber optional
Total VAT excluded
Format doublestring optional
If empty, reverse charge is not applied to this line item
integer optional
number optional
Unit price VAT excluded
Format doublenumber optional
VAT value in the accounting document currency
Format doublenumber optional
Ignored on input when vatRateId populated.
Same as VatRate.vatRate from GET /vatrates.
Format doublenumber optional
Ignored on input when vatRateId populated.
Same as VatRate.vatRateType from GET /vatrates.
integer optional
vatRate and vatRateType ignored if vatRateId populated.
Same as VatRate.vatRateId from GET /vatrates.
Format int64string optional
string optional
boolean optional
Valid for received Accounting Documents only.
integer optional
1 - NotClassified
2 - CheckNeeded
3 - Classified
number required
number optional
number optional
number optional
number optional
1 - Standard, 2 - Out of VAT (cz: Mimo DPH), 3 - DoNotApplyVat (cz: Neuplatnit DPH), 4 - Reverse Charge, 5 - ExemptFromVAT (cz: osvobozeno od DPH)
integer optional
If set, the accounting document will be paired to this contact. If other contact properties are empty, they will be loaded from contact, otherwise they will be used as posted. The contact will not be changed.
Format int64string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
string optional
Can be used if a contact doesn't have companyRegNo
References of endpoint
- Create accounting document RESPONSE
- Update accounting document RESPONSE
- Connect accounting document RESPONSE
- Change connection amount RESPONSE
- Attach scan RESPONSE
- Change state RESPONSE
- List possible states RESPONSE
- Attach bank account RESPONSE
- Update attached bank account RESPONSE
- Create draft RESPONSE
- Update line item RESPONSE
- Assign contact RESPONSE
- Assign sequence RESPONSE
- Update VAT recap RESPONSE
- Bulk operation on accounting documents RESPONSE
- Upload bank statement RESPONSE
- Process bank statement RESPONSE
- Create payment order RESPONSE
- Create cash register RESPONSE
- Update cash register RESPONSE
- Create inventory RESPONSE
- Aggregate balance RESPONSE
- Update contact RESPONSE
- Add person RESPONSE
- Update person RESPONSE
- Add address RESPONSE
- Update address RESPONSE
- Change metadata for document or folder RESPONSE
- Request generic report RESPONSE
- Search for Accounting Documents RESPONSE
- Search for Payments RESPONSE
- Search for Contacts RESPONSE
- Search for Documents RESPONSE
- Search for Payment Orders RESPONSE
- Search for Bank Statements RESPONSE
- Search for Tasks RESPONSE
- Search for Financial Accounts RESPONSE
- Download XLSX export for Accounting Documents list RESPONSE
- Create non-Cash Register sequence RESPONSE
- Update non-Cash Register sequence RESPONSE
- Set non-Cash Register sequence's last generated number RESPONSE
- Create Cash Register sequence RESPONSE
- Update Cash Register sequence RESPONSE
- Set Cash Register sequence's last generated number RESPONSE
- Create task RESPONSE
- Update selected fields RESPONSE
- Create draft accounting document from template RESPONSE
string optional
string optional